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Asana Kitchen: Prana and Apana Vayu Patterns 101 with David Garrigues
Patterns of Apana and Prana Exercise with David Garrigues
"Prana and Apana, cetwari, 40 year study" with Ashtanga teacher David Garrigues
Asana Kitchen: Ashtanga Yoga and Mudras 101 with David Garrigues
How does pranayama transform your yoga practice? with David Garrigues
Are you breathing too loud or too soft in your asana practice? with David Garrigues
Defining Breath, Defining Vinyasa Position with David Garrigues
Build Pranayama Padmasana Directly Over Pelvic Floor with David Garrigues
David Garrigues: Support Systems of Pranayama
Dedicating Myself to One Small Thing by David Garrigues
When to Think and When to Act in Asana with David Garrigues
Uddiyana Bandha exercises with David Garrigues